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firmo holanda

full-stack developer, react/react native | redux | javaScript | typeScript | ruby on rails

full stack web developer with experience in building responsive websites and web applications. specialized in ruby on rails, react and redux. take a look at my work or get in touch.


elegant code is usually the result of careful analysis of the problem, and finding an algorithm and design which simplifies the code greatly. "perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." — antoine de saint-exupery

clean design

kiss, dry, yagni, composition over inheritance, favor readability, practice consistency. "clean code is not written by following a set of rules. you don’t become a software craftsman by learning a list of heuristics. professionalism and craftsmanship come from values that drive disciplines." — robert c. martin


automatically adjusts for different-sized screens and viewports. with a responsive website, someone can browse your website from any device, and it will still look and function perfectly.

in this project, i got a chance to try out twitter’s bootstrap framework by building a site that actually uses it –

eslint html5 styled components git
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this project consists on building an html document that matches the appearance of 2014

eslint html5 styled components git
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clone of spotify login page using a personal css framework

eslint html5 styled components git
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this bot was built in ruby, using twitter's api. it was created to store the location of any given tweet and analyze which countries spoke most about a topic.

api eslint ruby git github actions


a weather forecast site using the weather api. you can search for a specific location and toggle displaying the data in fahrenheit or celsius.

api eslint git github actions webpack
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this is a ruby on rails project that groups hours spent on different projects at your university.

eslint git github actions heroku html5 ruby ruby on Rails
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hi, i am holanda. i am a full-stack developer with knowledge in react, redux, javascript, and ruby on rails. i am open to full-stack or back-end development opportunities!

when i was 15, i wrote my first line of code and never forgot the power software can bring. i was very timid, but i wanted to meet new friends. so i did what any nerd would do. i created a script to automate the start of my conversations. i had a blast. when i was away from the computer, my script was talking to over 20 "new friends".

i carried this prior experience of automation to my 10+ years of professional career as an information technology infrastructure consultant by automating the process and servers i was responsible for. so i started virtualizing the servers and realize that virtualization and automation were a powerful combination. this gave me more time to think and i grasped that software was the base of all that i was doing. hence, i became a full-time software developer.

while i am not coding, i enjoy hunting for ufos and reading about our place in the universe.

if you think i am a suitable match for a project or position, please contact me at

frequently asked questions

programming languages

ruby, python, javascript, c++

years of experience

3+ years


active record query, sqlite, postgres

frameworks / libraries

ruby on rails, react, redux, bootstrap, node

open source projects



full-stack developer, software development, mentor, pair programming, version control, git, github, webpack, heroku, amazon s3

created with passion by firmo holanda